Herald-Express 19 Feb 53) although no indication is made in the item of what type of "perversion" is meant; the public is induced to lump all together unusual behavior. Then it comes as a surprise when an admitted transvestite is awarded custody of his son after a court spat with his ex-wife (L.A. HeraldExpress 5 March 53).
With Christine not yet editorially wrung dry, a rash of articles have appeared "explaining" deviation. The L. A. Mirror, in a series, implies that the cause is biological and "freakish" (1213-14 Jan 53). The L.A. News stresses the importance of adjustment to environment regardless of gender (26 Dec 52) and a Doctor in the Times (9 Feb 53) begins well with ". . . we have on our statute books cruel laws against these people, laws that surely would never have been placed there if legislators had had any knowledge about the subject," then gets off into white mice with mixed sexes and ends saying, "They have been so cruelly gypped by a freak development in the mother's womb that many have to go through life lonely and terribly unhappy." He suggestes deviates are no more responsible for this situation than "the mouse or the fruit fly with a similar defect." His well-meaning sympathy contains no awareness that mice, fruit flies and homosexuals need more than pity as they writhe in traps, DDT and jail.
The State Department was reported to have dismissed "some" homosexuals in a security move by the new administra-
tion. (L. A. Herald-Express 13 March 53) One report put the number at eight. A resolution concerning the Los Angeles area was adopted by the Presbyterian Church. It provided that when the dissolution of a marriage involved a case of homosexuality, the "innocent" party is not disqualified from remarriage by a Presbyterian minister. (L.A. Mirror 11 March 53). In Stockholm, a blackmailer of the late King Gustav V of Sweden was favored with a reduction by two years of his sentence. His defense had been that he believed his intimacy with the King entitled him to demand aid from him, however the details of this intimacy will not be made public for 30 years. He got over $17,000 then later eight years. (L.A. Herald-Express 14 March 53). And the Los Angeles Police Department, in presenting its annual budget requirements, asked for $32 million dollars. Last year it was only 24.
Editor's Note: The readers of ONE are interested in the treatment of deviates as reflected in your local paper. Please send the entire page including date and paper's name.
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